Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!: Hello Snow!!!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Hello Snow!!!!

We have lived here 4 years now and this is the first time we have had proper snow...look at it! It started at 8.30 this morning and by 10am was 3 inches thick on the lawn.
It won't last long because the outside temp was a good 8deg C before the snow arrived. However I am unlikely to do any gardening today....!

I did manage to get to the plot a couple of times this week. I planted the Charlotte potatoes and my onion sets on their correct moon days. I also mulched the Kestrel potatoes (a few tubers just showing tops) with a really thick layer of grass mowings from the home grass. Given what we've got coming down from up there today I am glad I gave them that protection!!

I also had a good hoe round, and promised the plot some better attention this week coming.
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At 6/4/08 4:51 pm, Blogger Matron said...

Gosh! what a difference a day makes! By the way, try doing a word search for 'jewels' and there are some pics of Gardeners Delight from August 2006

At 6/4/08 8:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've had snow here, too, and like you it's prevented us from getting the vegetable work done. But I had pigs to move, mucking out to do and an assortment of other things to finish off.
The only real problem is that the soil will take another week or so to dry out (if we don't get more snow or rain) and the sowing/planting out is getting later and later.
Oh well...

At 22/4/08 5:58 pm, Blogger Barbee' said...

WOW! You are one hardworking serious gardener. I will be back from time to time. Wonder how you find time to blog with all that garden and auxiliary areas to care for. It is going to be delicious.


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