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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Still feeling really lousy.

I am still laid up with this awful chest/sinus/ear/throat bug. I have awful headaches, hot and cold flushes, and bring back all the medicines I try to take. Pretty miserable.
Not been to plot for over a week. Hope it is still there!!!


At 15/3/08 11:48 am, Blogger VP said...

I can sympathise - going through the same thing. Yes it will be there, just not in the state you planned it to be by the end of this week.

Get well soon!

At 16/3/08 7:17 pm, Blogger Frankie said...

Don't worry - just take care of yourself for a while. Hope you feel better soon!

At 17/3/08 3:28 pm, Blogger Esther Montgomery said...


I have just joined Blotanical and have started to look at blogs nearest to me on the map.

Having arrived - umm - I think I should say feel better soon!

Esther Montgomery

At 22/3/08 6:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are on the mend soon - that dreadful bug us laying low so many people.

I haven't been to my allotment for a few weeks now to do anything - the weather has been non stop rain - and now we have snow!

Snuggle up and sending you best wishes for Easter

At 22/3/08 10:45 pm, Blogger Matron said...

there's lots of it around! Drink lots of water, tea and read through your seed catalogues again. Look forward to the Summer xx

At 23/3/08 8:55 am, Blogger clairesgarden said...

hope you're feeling better!


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