I spent my usual two hours at the plot this morning digging. A photo would look much the same as yesterday, so I didn't bother.
This afternoon I planted out my cabbages that had been hardening off. They are in the newest deep bed in the shadiest corner. The middle row are Hispi which will mature early and then I'll be able to put two purple sprouting broccoli in the middle row. The red cabbage on the right and the caulis on the left will be a little later.
Hanging over the path from the next bed is the purple sprouting broccoli that we are presently eating. I have three plants and we can't keep up with them. Next year it'll just be two....and I'll thoroughly stake them too!
I "dressed" them with cabbage collars, and mulched them with home-made compost, gave them a dose of woodlice powder as the compost is riddled with them, then sprinkled them with "green" slug pellets. I've netted them against the birds and butterflies, and I will float a fleece over them for a week or two as the nights are due to get colder next week.
I also planted out the peas I started in modules. They were becoming pot bound (wish I'd done them in rootrainers). They are covered with a net tunnel now to stop the cats digging them up!
In the tunnel I potted up some more leek seedlings, and sowed sunflower seeds (32) in rootrainers. They are for the plot and some for the home garden. I am hoping I will have so many that I don't mind sacrificing some to have in a vase!
Hispi are a great allotment cabbage. Not only do they mature relatively quickly, but due to their bullet head style of growth, they don't take up as much space as round varieties...and they taste great!
The only thing I'd caution against is waiting for them to get too big. They are a small cabbage -One per meal, trimmed and cleaned will feed two people who like their cabbage.
If you leave them too long, expecting them to bulk up, they become flabby and are prone to pests...As soon as they feel really solid the squeeze, cut them, irrespective of the overall size.
Err...Sermon over I guess!
Thanks for that. There are only two of us so I'll do exactly as you say.
You will have seen that the cabbages are a bit closer than they should be...that is because we only want smallish cabbages. DH complains if he gets the same veg day after day!
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