Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My new shed is coming tomorrow so we went to the plot to prepare the spot for it. We have now levelled a big enough area to take it and then came away because he was feeling a bit rough...pulled a muscle in his chest.
Tomorrow I will go down early to check the levels and lay the slabs as a foundation.
When it comes I am going to paint the back of it (which will go against the hedge) before we put it up as I wont be able to get round the back of it comfortably until I have trimmed the hedge back somewhat!


At 28/12/06 6:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh you are going great guns - I hope the weather is kind so that you can get your slabs laid - and a new shed too very posh.

You really are working very hard. It must be drier where you live than it is here at the present as the ground is too sodden to walk on at my allotments

At 28/12/06 11:32 pm, Blogger lilymarlene said...

It is dry. I can dig quite easily and the soil breaks down very nicely. It hardly sticks to my boots either.

At 29/12/06 8:18 pm, Blogger Niels C said...

Not a comment really.
Just wondered how it went with your no-dig experiments you mentioned earlier this year. I am toying with the idea of buying Veganic Gardening also.

Are you into Nickel Creek? I think Chris Thile is pretty cool.


At 29/12/06 8:42 pm, Blogger lilymarlene said...

I am really enjoying using the no-dig-again raised beds with the wooden surrounds (more the Bed System Book than the Veganic Gardening Book). I did loosen them again when I started to use them for the Sq Ft beds. I put a plank across the top of the wooden frame and just put a fork in and wiggled it a bit to loosen the soil a bit. By not stirring up the layers it is becoming less and less weedy.

As for the ones at the plot.....some were successful, some weren't. The ones that I did earliest, before the drought, were the best. The others were too dry and I got almost no spuds from them. We weren't allowed to use hoses so it was all a bit disappointing. However the plastic did stop a lot of weed growth and at the end of the season at was easy enough to dig over after some rain.

I will however be doing the no-dig beds on the new plot for some of the beds. There are a lot of white rooted weeds so I'm not sure quite how successful a complete no-dig policy will be.

I haven't heard of Nickel Creek or Chris Tile....but now have a new google project for the next time I can't sleep....thanks!

BTW the Sq Ft beds in the back garden still have some produce in which I can use. I have a fennel root still growing, leeks, chard, carrots, beetroots, winter radish, spinach, rocket, mizuna, and so on....which still supply a good salad. Also nasturtium leaves and flowers.....yes really! We rarely get frosts here and the garden produces almost throughout the year. I do need to pay attention to the paths though because I sometimes can't face going out there in the mud.

At 29/12/06 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to read your blog. A shed will be fab. I can't imagine my plot without our little shed on it, it's filled with all sorts of gardening things and is a haven for when it chucks down with rain.

At 29/12/06 10:37 pm, Blogger lilymarlene said...

As you can possibly tell...I am thrilled to bits!!!!!


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