Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Moved 12 more barrowloads this afternoon so the manure is now on the new plot. I just have to shift a few bits of wood, and my tools from the shed, then I will inform the plotholder that apart from harvesting my cabbages I have finished with her plot. I think the friend who was with her the other week will be glad as she was a bit put out by the small size of what she'd been given.

I took photos with my phone of what I have achieved this weekend, but when I got home they weren't there! So they are probably in cyberspace. I really need to carry the phone instructions with me as I don't remember what I have to do to keep the pictures!

I won't be at the plot now until at least Wednesday as I am off to Kent to see my mother. Hopefully it will be fine Wednesday so I can do a bit more clearing.


At 12/12/06 9:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done - you have really been busy haven't you.

I can't wait to see your photos.

You are going to have such fun next year and all this work will be worth it.


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