Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Here is the hauling road leading down to the allotments. It sweeps right for a short distance uphill, then continues parallel to this one right to the other end of the allotments.

In the background you can make out the roofs of the holiday bungalows we used to come to every year at Whitsun....mob handed. We used to come with our huge extended family and "take over". One year we had 11 of the bungalows! They are all coming again this year but we will sleep in our own beds! Mind you the holiday camp is a good one.....just bungalows and a shop.....and 200 yards to the beach. What more could you want?

I just did my usual 1 1/2 hour stint at the plot and achieved the three buckets of white weed roots haul which I like to aim for. This picture shows how near I am to completing a complete swathe right across the top of the plot. When we have had the bonfire I'll be able to start the next swathe!

I got my seed potatoes this morning....which I will set to chit later. I have saved lots of egg boxes for this.

I bought.....
10 tubers of Rocket (First Early)
10 tubers of Red Duke of York (First Early)
10 tubers of Nicola (Second Early)
and 3 kg of Desiree (Maincrop). I understand there is no hurry to dig these up when ripe as they can be left until much later in the year. In fact I reckon that we could leave them until we need them here on the IOW as I was forever digging up perfectly edible left-behind Desiree potatoes on my old plot as late as April.
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At 21/1/07 4:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing brilliantly - it is far to wet and cold and the ground sodden to dig here.

At 21/1/07 5:23 pm, Blogger Libbys Blog said...

Hopefully going to get my seed potatoes and onion sets this week!!


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