Photo a day......15th January.
Taken at 8.45am this morning....see what a lovely day we've got today!
This is a view from the other end of our road.....looking towards Portsmouth. You can see the Millennium Tower in the RH section of the might need to enlarge.
Sorry it's a bit can see Lulu pulling me at the bottom of the picture.
Is this a first? The Council workmen, at 8.45 in the morning on the 15th January 2007, were cutting the grass, and strimming the edges in the little gardens you can see at the bottom of the hill.
At the other side of the road on the other side of the little Green is the gate to our's not far!
Another beautiful photo..and what a great looking day. We have freezing rain beating agaianst the windows as I write...
A very pretty picture! It almost looks like a painting. It's clouding up to rain here and the cold will come tomorrow.
What is your average yearly temperature there?
I've found you a link to an Isle of Wight weather station that keeps records
I find it a bit difficult to decipher!
Looks like a lovely place to live!
If it ever cools down over here I'll go for walks with my camera too!!
Looks like a very quiet, peaceful little town. You did a great job capturing all the colors!
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