Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!: Caliente Mustard

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caliente Mustard

On Monday this week I visited Wisley and found seeds for this in the shop. Regular readers may remember me mentioning a trial bed that I saw at Wisley a year or so ago (just was actually March 29th 2007...doesn't time fly!!!).
I was delighted to find the seeds (£4.99 for 200g, sufficient to cover 100sq.metres), with an informative leaflet. I have copied the leaflet here for you....both photos will enlarge for easier reading if you click on them.

I need to study this a while to see how to fit it into my rotation plans. It might be difficult with the new Gertrude Franck method I will be following this year so it may have to wait until next winter. The Gertrude Franck method does actually have some rows sown with mustard if they are for later crops....that may be where it fits in...I'll see.

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At 21/1/09 10:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I lost a few cabbages to club root last year, so I'm a bit hesitant to use mustard except in the brassica bed. I have experimented with other green manures though, such as phacelia, buckwheat and clover.

At 22/1/09 7:45 am, Blogger Libby said...

This is definately something I could do over winter. As I don't grow alot during this time. I shall definately keep my eyes open for it.
Thank you for sharing.

At 4/2/09 12:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for uploading the info, very useful. I will look into it.


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