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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hopefully these'll load OK too!

When I got to the plot yesterday morning I was a bit ashamed at the state of it....weeds everywhere. So, after digging out the spuds from the end of the bed in picture two I cleaned the bed, cultivated and raked it, then sowed white clover as a green manure. I don't need the bed for a few weeks, not until my cabbage plants arrive from Marshalls towards the end of September, and I hate to see bare soil in summer.

The long clean bed you see behind the courgettes (first photo)was the
onion bed and
now has phacelia in it as a green manure also.

The carrot seedlings on the left here were a bit weedy so I knelt and finger weeded them.

The older carrots in the front of this picture are currently being eaten (picture of yesterdays haul in next post) and most have avoided the carrot fly, but some have succumbed. That'll teach me not to be so blase about not covering them....!

The next time I get to the plot will possibly be Friday. I still have lots to do there but do at home of the Back garden plot will follow when I have that looking a bit more respectable...


At 9/8/07 6:08 pm, Blogger Matron said...

I agree with you, I don't like to see bare soil. It just seems like it is an opportunity for water to evaporate from the soil, or for weeds to grow. Besides which, space is at a premium, and I should be able to think of a catch crop to plant! - Hey, take a look at what I found at Wisley today!


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