Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!: Update on the allotment.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Update on the allotment.

These two photos show the state of play at the allotment at the moment.
The second photo (starting from the back of the plot) shows the broccoli bed...under the net, flanked by broad beans...planted out two weeks ago and doing well.
Then the leek bed...still producing, although they are beginning to get that hard rib through the middle.
The next bed nearer to us is the one with the autumn planted cabbages. A lot of these are running to seed, and none have hearted up yet.....!
In the foreground is the new brassica bed started two weeks ago. I was a bit miffed to find that some had already been eaten because I forgot to net them. I have now so hope the rest will be safe.
Over against the fence the gooseberry is doing well, as are the Autumn Bliss raspberries and the rhubarb. See the other photo too for these.
There is still a lot to do at the plot.....maincrop carrots and beets to sow next week when I have cleared some more ground. And later all the pumpkins and squashes and courgettes will go in the beds at the top of the plot.
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At 24/4/10 6:32 pm, Anonymous Damo said...

It's all looking good, I net religiously now pesky pigeons!

At 27/4/10 10:07 pm, Blogger cottage garden farmer said...

Great to see the results of all your hard work, well done, I have to net everything cabbag-ey too!

At 7/5/10 11:25 am, Anonymous allotmentblogger said...

Cabbages that do not heart up are called spring greens in my house! Himself has been building a big cloche type affair for our cabbages (spring greens) because last year they were just caterpillar hatcheries!


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