Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!: Ready to go.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ready to go.....

This morning I was at last able to install the new Link-a-bord beds that have been sitting in our hallway since I was given them for our Anniversary (38th) last September. Don't they look good.

Yesterday I had help to level the ground in the tunnel, and lay the weedstop fabric (Gardman....bought on special offer at Wisley last year.) I also laid (with help) some excess carpet down the middle to help prevent wear on the weedstop fabric. (I laid the carpet upside down as I think I'll be able to sweep the back of it. Happily it is white and the reflection should help the plants thrive. Unhappily it is so bright in there that I have to either squint or wear sunglasses!!!!)

The staging has all been washed and returned to the tunnel and I am ready to go now with this season's seed sowing. I will be getting some fresh potting compost this afternoon and will start on the seeds tomorrow.

The new beds need filling and I'm mulling over the options.
Option some compost at £35 a bag (huge builders bag) from the council and add my own compost to it.

Option in bags ready made "compost" from the garden centre.

Option peat, vermiculite and manure (processed and clean) from the garden centre. I know this uses peat, and will be expensive, but it is the mix recommended by Mel Bartholomew in Square Foot Gardening.

I favour option 3, and will price it up this afternoon. No hurry to do it as I have nothing ready yet to go into the beds.
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At 24/2/10 2:09 pm, Blogger Zeb said...

Looking very posh... but I can't help wondering how long the floor will stay that colour.

At 24/2/10 2:25 pm, Blogger lilymarlene said...

About two days I predict!

At 24/2/10 5:58 pm, Anonymous allotment blogger said...

That looks gorgeous - and by the time the floor isn't so smart, you'll have loads of something or other potted up to take your mind off it.

At 19/7/10 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had Link a Board beds in my garden outside for the past 2 years. It is amazing the amount I have managed to grow in them. I also have the hoops over the top, I planted strawberries and covered the bed with polythene to keep it frost free and can honestly say I had the best harvest ever. I would ertainly recommend them to anyone. They do take a lot of fillig though, I used a mix of topsoil and compost fron the garden centre.


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