Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!: Yesterday at Wisley

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday at Wisley

On my trip to Kent on Friday/Saturday I had two goes at visiting Wisley. It was pouring on Friday so I returned on Saturday. As it is spring I made for the fruit garden display area, and although I'd seen it before this particular one completely entranced me. It is a model allotment with fruit as the main feature.

Along the edge of the plot is this row of trained apple trees. The trunks are trained up for about two feet then along a wire for about 3 feet. They were laden with blossom, and had heaps of manure around their roots but not touching the trunk....lots of tips there.

The plot is divided into quarters by by three cross paths, lined with various herbs and flowers. At one end of the plot are 5 raised beds for vegetables. Nearest the camera is asparagus (already showing, like mine at home) to the left, manure to the right. The next bed was rows of carrots under the fleece, radish, lettuce, and spinach (from memory). The next bed was strawberries, five different varieties. This bed had fixed irrigation hoses. The next two beds are manured and waiting.
Behind the raised beds is a path with fruit bushes trained up and over, making an arch over the path. There were no labels on these plants so I shall have to visit this area regularly to see what they are.

Behind the path is a fruit cage, missing its side netting, with all sorts of fruit bushes within.
Beyond the next path is another fruit area....but I can't remember any more about that bit.
Here is the on it to enlarge.
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At 19/4/09 7:45 am, Blogger Jan said...

I've never been to Wisley, although I would love to, and I don't know that I ever will now with living in Spain. Very inspiring and depressing, all in one go!

At 19/4/09 8:53 am, Anonymous Rachael said...

My family always groan and roll their eyes when I suggest visiting gardens, but this looks so inspiring it makes me determined to go and visit at least one this summer. We will be over in East Anglia in late August so I will make it my mission to visit Audley End kitchen garden.

At 20/4/09 10:04 am, Blogger Joanne said...

Hi I am glad you enjoyed your trip to Wisley inspite of the rain. It is local to me and somewhere i often vist and consider myself fortunate to be able to enjoy.

The weather has actually been glorious here in Surrey for several days except for Friday what a pity.

At 21/4/09 1:55 pm, Blogger clairesgarden said...

it looks lovely, so tidy and organised......not like my garden...


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