Subscribe with Bloglines At last I've got my plot!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

At last I got to the plot!!!!!

It was sunny and warm this afternoon so I spent another couple of hours there. This is a view from the road down to the plot is by the flats on the right, under the big tree. You can see it was a lovely day. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent there.

I don't understand what has happened to me. I used to loathe weeding when I was a child. We had to earn our pocket money in those days and I hated it if it was a digging week. I LOVE it now.

Today I did the usual three buckets of white weed roots then came home to walk the dogs.

Whilst I was there the weather changed a lot. The second picture shows how dull it got, and how much I dug! I have not quite completed my swathe across the garden....but almost.

When I arrived I found that my neighbour at the plot had left me a large clump of flat leaved parsley which is now nicely ensconced in the herb patch.

The rhubarb crowns are all sprouting now....but there is no show yet on the raspberry canes or the gooseberry.

Tomorrow I hope to go and do the very necessary bonfire of the white weed roots....there is a huge heap now....more than a cubic yard.
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At 27/1/07 6:58 pm, Blogger Libbys Blog said...

Its a long slow process but worth it in the end!!!

At 28/1/07 3:30 am, Blogger Sheila said...

I love how people leave things for you to plant, when they have more than enough for themselves. Very neighbourly..!


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